Joy in the Rain?!
I love that as I sit down to write this, the sun has come out (here in Cornwall) as if to mock the subject matter! Generally though, July & August have been full of rainy days, and I wanted to explore how not to be downcast. My son is well past days out sploshing around in wellies & puddles with me, so I’m talking about how to be effective when working at home in between appointments.
I remember from school days the distraction of sunshine & heat (despite being crazily allergic to the sun, coming out in huge heat bumps & constantly covered in calamine lotion!), and now I no longer have that problem, the pull of the sun is even greater. So… I get stuck into mega cleaning, de-cluttering, listening to inspiring podcasts, re-organising admin systems and then reward myself by watching wall to wall movies etc, cooking & eating lush food prepared in bulk ‘feed the freezer’ sessions – my own version of ready meals! In other words, I’ve kinda loved it as I’ve made more progress. (I may get a bit grumpy come October if we still haven’t seen much sunshine…)
How have you found joy in the rain?!
For anyone interested, I’ve added to my list of items I sell, so along with the pH test strips, essential oils & Floradix, I have Organic Virgin Coconoil, tiny pots of Niki’s wax, Bach Rescue Remedy & yoga blocks. Drop me a line if you want to know more.