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Choices around your wellbeing

Attend Pilates or yoga, go for a run, a bike ride or a swim, surf… have a massage! – all are great ways of connecting with yourself and looking after your wellbeing.

Clients enjoy the choices I offer and find they address different problems. Some alternate between a stronger massage and a more gentle one. Explore, experiment, shake things up a little.

As you would expect, I find massage a great starting point for many areas of life. I have also found it can sort a wide variety of problems, not only physical. So, although some of my preferences for bodywork have changed over 40 years, I can never see a time in my life where I won’t find a way to ensure I access massage. I am constantly amused by the discrepancy between what I think is going on with my body and what is!

Time and time again, my clients (& I) declare “no real aches and pains today”, and then discover tightness lurking just under the surface. So, the pain information could be a while in coming and, in the meantime, the revelations can inform patterns of use, increase self awareness and encourage better self care.

Access those choices, however you do it and do use me as a source of information as to what could be most appropriate for you, your body and your lifestyle next time you book a session!

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