Catch up, Maintain or Progress?
While some people seem to like to hit a New Year at top speed, others may find it more useful to ‘feel’ their way in. That way it could be easier to decide whether the focus needs to be catch-up, maintain or progress, or indeed a mix of all three. So, as we’re half way through February, now might be a good time to check-in with how you’re approaching any goals for 2014.
At different times in our lives the focus may change as aspects become more or less relevant to where we are. This can be true whether referring to business or personal areas of our lives.
As a mother and self-employed woman (though not as a partner) I found it useful to split my intentions into sections ensuring both clarity and increased satisfaction as I achieved tasks on my to do list! Now my son has left home, I find it helps me to use the headings above whether it be around health & wellbeing, work, home or relationships.
Try it, you may find it supports how best to prioritise your aims or dreams. And… you could consider bodywork sessions as a part of that too… a well looked after body, heart and soul help!
Best of luck and if you think I can help, let me know.