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Barefoot Walk

Yesterday morning a small group gathered in a Helston car park to embrace concrete, wet grass, stony paths, tree roots, streams and mud with bare feet! I am a virgin barefooter, though I spend most of my time indoors (which includes working) shoeless. I admit to socks, as I tend to get chilly feet otherwise, but like all aspects of being more connected to the floor or ground. So… I was a little concerned about 2 to 3 hours in the damp, cold outdoors on rough surfaces… with a group of (mostly) strangers. Turned out it was highly entertaining, informative, freeing, warmer than expected and mud feels just like melted chocolate (I imagine!).

I will go again, for sure, and whilst not yet a convert to Barefoot Living, the philosophy behind it ties in with much of my thinking and approach to my work with clients. There are many ways to shake up our thinking thus keeping our brains flexible and increase our sensory experiences.

Find out more by following the links to Stephen Bloor or the National Trust.

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